Embryonic stem cells
Embryonic stem cells are extremely beneficial and prove to be 6 to 10 times more effective than normal, autologous, and/or umbilical cord adult treatments. And why are embryonic cells the best choice? Besides being 6-10 times more powerful than adult stem cells or umbilical cord to help the body heal, they are also safe and […]
Dr. S. Pete Worden
Dr. S. Pete Worden was the director of NASA’s Ames Research Center. He is a recognized expert in both civilian and military space matters. Before joining NASA, Dr. Worden held various positions in the United States Air Force and was professor of astronomy research at the University of Arizona. Dr. Worden is the President of […]
At Stemaid Europe they treat numerous chronic diseases and conditions. They also have effective anti-aging protocols that will work at the DNA level to rejuvenate you. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Brain injury, Cerebral palsy and Diabetes are possible to be treated with this type of cells. In addition to the diseases listed on the […]
Mediterranean Towers
For three decades, Mediterranean Towers has been dedicated to improving and enriching the lives of older adults. Mediterranean Towers Ventures invests in early-stage technology companies developing disruptive ageing solutions. Mediterranean Towers Ventures invests in early-stage technology companies developing disruptive solutions for aging, the fastest growing population segment around the world. To learn more click here: […]
Did you know that pluripotent stem cells can result as treatment for liver failure? The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Stemaidâ„¢ protocol in the treatment of advanced liver cirrhosis. Since 2012 embryonic stem cells have been successfully used in the treatment of chronic diseases at the Stemaid Institute. The […]
Mediterranean Towers Ventures
For three decades, Mediterranean Towers Ventures has been dedicated to improving and enriching the lives of older adults. Mediterranean Towers Ventures invests in early-stage technology companies developing disruptive ageing solutions. Mediterranean Towers is a public company, the main chain of the retirement community in Israel. For three decades, Mediterranean Towers has been dedicated to improving […]
Telomere Basics: Curing Aging
Bill Andrews, author of the book, claims that telomere biology is the first and only emerging technology that holds the promise to treat and reverse age-related diseases. Topics discussed include the biological basis of the human aging process, the basic science behind telomeres and telomerase. It also tells a story of Dr. Andrews’ discoveries at […]
Maximum Life Foundation
Faced with the possibility of being part of the “last generation to suffer from heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other age-related diseases” David Kekich founded the Maximum Life Foundation. Maximum Life Foundation will help reverse the human aging process by 2033, leading to your life of open youth. The world mourns 100,000 “premature” deaths every […]
Repair Biotechnologies
Ever heard of Repair Biotechnologies? It is a longevity company with the mission to develop and bring to clinics therapies that significantly improve human health, focusing on the causes of age-related diseases and aging itself. It was founded in 2018 by Reason. It is developing therapies to reverse atherosclerosis and thymus atrophy. To learn more […]
Nuchido TIME+â„¢ is a new generation of food supplements containing a scientific blend of vitamins, botanicals and other supporting ingredients. The approach is called Systems Pharmacology, which studies biological systems as a complex mixture of molecular pathways and processes. Nuchido identified the right combination of targets to restore cellular NAD+ production back to youth levels, […]