Dina Radenkovic is an academic medical doctor by background, working as an investor and entrepreneur in the field of aging. She is a Partner at the Programmable Biology SALT Fund. She is a co-founder & Chief Science Officer Hooke, an elite longevity research clinic in London launched in partnership with Dr Eric Verdin from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. She is also a senior scientist at the Buck Artificial Intelligence applied to the Biology of Aging Platform where they study novel biomarkers of biological aging.
Dina qualified with a dual degree in medicine and physiology from UCL Medical School, with the elective at the New England Journal of Medicine, Harvard University, awarded number one in preclinical medicine and the best overall performance in physiology BSc. She has led two projects, digital therapeutics company for women and an algorithm for cardiac MRI to major industry acquisitions. She later worked as Research Fellow at King’s College London and at Harvard University. Dina did her residency at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. She has over 30 academic papers, 7 grants and over 40 scientific conference presentations. She is fluent in 5 languages and 3 programming languages.