Ines O’Donovan, PhD & MBA, is the CEO of Jeunessima, the world’s premier Lifestyle Company that helps busy women over 40 to be healthy, happy & successful … and live longer.
Already as a small girl Ines has been bouncing around with loads of energy trying to coax secrets out of people on how to be, feel & look amazing and testing essential oils & ‘secret’ ingredients from the kitchen.
Being ever so curious she still looks for ever more effective ways fusing ancient wisdom & latest research to bring joy, agelessness, confidence & vitality into women’s lives.
Since her late teens, Ines has been running wellbeing businesses, teaching, mentoring & coaching entrepreneurs, professional women & corporations. She even did a PhD & an MBA, published articles & books on topics like well-being, coaching, mentoring & leadership.
Today, Ines is the Editor-in-Chief of the JEUNESSIMA MAGAZINE reaching an audience of 100,000. The magazine is available on MagsFast, the Apple newsstand & on Android
Ines brings together women who want to live healthier, happier, longer and the world’s leading experts & researchers like Dr Aubrey de Grey & Dr Bill Andrews, visionaries like James Strole & Bernadeane, practitioners like Dr Sandra Kaufmann and many others.
Ines is always looking out for and testing the latest technologies, products and approaches in health, antiaging, biohacking and … BioFinesse, a term Ines has coined translating the most effective techniques into simple ways that can easily be integrated into the daily life.
Women learn in easy & entertaining ways how to improve their lifestyle: mindset, health & wellness, bio finesse, nutrition, fitness, beauty & style, sex & relationships, …
Ines is also a great public speaker inspiring people all over the world.
Her clients praise her for her holistic approach, her enthusiasm & her ability to zero in on major issues helping her clients move forward. She has been called inspirational, brilliant and even an Angel.
After all these years, Ines is still happy to bounce around transferring her positive energy & joy virus to the people working with her. And she would love to ‘infect’ you too.
Get in contact with Ines to see how she can help you.