Healthy Masters




Director of Outreach for the SENS Research Foundation.


Maria Entraigues Abramson is currently Director of Outreach for the SENS Research Foundation co-founded by Dr. Aubrey de Grey. She’s been part of SRF since its founding days (2009) and before that, part of Methuselah Foundation (co-founded by Dave Gobel and Dr. Aubrey de Grey).

She is also a science and technology communicator and one of the leading voices in the field of Longevity, presenting every year at international conferences in the topic of Longevity and the future of health. Her passion and strong involvement in science and technology, combined with her skills in Public Relations and networking, positioned her as one of the main “connectors” in the field, in charge of building new critical relationships, spreading the word about the mission and raising funds for research.

She is also a singer, actress, composer, journalist, and private pilot.

Maria is a radical-change believer and spends her multifaceted life working on facilitating disruptive change to help the world. You can find her giving a scientific talk, singing live for thousands of people, composing and acting for a Hollywood film, doing music journalism, writing about aging, or flying an airplane. But her main goal is to make sure one day aging doesn’t mean to get sick.

She is also the co-founder of Longevity Bridge, dedicated to creating resources for optimal health – currently developing new assays to measure important biomarkers of aging.

She currently sits in the Boards of different organizations working towards a healthier and better future like the Coalition for Radical Life Extension, International Longevity Alliance, California Transhumanist Party and Lifeboat Foundation. She is also a member of The Three Hundred.

Maria is constantly being interviewed throughout the media as an Ambassador of radical life extension and Cryonics, as well as being featured internationally on different documentaries and TV shows.

You can read her newly published essay on aging in the book “The Transhumanism Handbook” among a number of other Longevity global leaders.