Healthy Masters


Rudi Hoffman

Rudi Hoffman

CEO of Hoffman Planning

Rudi Hoffman

Rudi Hoffman is author of “The Affordable Immortal: Maybe You CAN Beat Death and Taxes”, which clearly defines the concept, execution, and funding of cryopreservation for humans called “Cryonics”.
Of the humans signed up  nd funded for cryonics, over 60% have accomplished this with the help of Hoffman  inancial Engineering. Hoffman’s financial practice is focused on the needs of the visionaries who sign up for cryonics, and how people of “normal” means can use the leverage of life insurance to afford both cryonics and cryonics estate planning.  His second book, “The Cryonics Estate Planning Handbook: Maybe You CAN Take It With You” will be published in
July of 2020.

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