Healthy Masters


Taylor Brame

81 - Taylor Brame

Director of International Research at ProMatura Group.

Taylor Brame

Taylor Brame is the Director of International Research at ProMatura Group, LLC. ProMatura has been an international leader in market research for more than 30 years with clients across the globe. ProMatura has completed thousands of market research, market and financial feasibility studies, industry-wide research and large scale, in-depth, statistically valid consumer research studies relative to every form of age-qualified housing and has tested more than 3,000 products serving the 55+ consumer. Taylor has been leading ProMatura’s global research and data acquisition efforts since 2015. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Mississippi where he worked with the Center for Population Studies evaluating rural communities in Mississippi, served on the events committee for the International and American Student Alliance, was a global ambassador for the Office for Global Engagement, and raised funds from the Rebel Venture Capital Fund for his Unmanned Aerial Vehicle start-up, GoKaze. Today, Taylor participates in the Rising Leaders program of the American Seniors Housing Association and is a member of the Urban Land Institute and National Association of Home Builders. In addition to Taylor’s professional career, he is a cryonics activist, member of Alcor, and serves as a co-trustee for the Stasis Foundation Charitable Trust.

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