Healthy Masters


Tobias Reichmuth

65 - Tobias Reichmuth(1)

Founding Partner at Maximon - The Longevity Company Builder.

Tobias Reichmuth

Tobias is Founding Partner at Maximon, the longevity company builder. Maximon builds companies in the context of extending the human health-span and supports entrepreneurs both operationally and financially.

Tobias sold his first company at the age of 23, built Europe’s leading climate-change infrastructure fund SUSI Partners, which manages CHF 1.8bn today, co-founded Crypto Finance Group, which was recently sold to Deutsche Börse Group – one of the larger exits in Switzerland’s start-up history – and also co-founded The Singularity Group, an asset manager identifying the most innovative listed titles across all sectors globally and beating MSCI significantly every year since inception in 2016. Tobias is a “lion” at the Swiss TV investor-show “Höhle der Löwen” (the equivalent to “Shark Tank”) and has visited more than 100 countries.

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